red itchy rash on stomach and back

Slide show: Common skin rashes - Mayo Clinic.
Tips for Mommies · TIP: Dealing with Postpartum PUPPPs (Skin Rash).
9 Surprising Symptoms of Stress - Woman's Day.
red itchy rash on stomach and back
Little bump rashes on side cheeks, spreading to arms, legs, stomach.
Rash - tiny red bumps on back and belly - May 2008 Birth Club.
Dec 4, 2006. Hi, I got this really annoying itchy rash 2 weeks after giving birth. I have small red circles on my cheeks but the rash does not extend over my nose.. legs, arms, stomach, sides, and back that would turn into a rash/hives after.
Non-itchy widespread rash - Topix.
red itchy rash on stomach and back
Itchy Rash on Stomach? -
List of 35 causes for Back rash and Stomach Itch, alternative diagnoses, rare causes, misdiagnoses, patient stories, and much more.
Allergic contact dermatitis (B) produces a very itchy, red rash with bumps and sometimes blisters. Common allergy-causing agents (allergens) include latex.
They are barely raised off the skin (if at all), there is no itching, no burning. I found only one pic online that resembles my "rash".by searching Yahoo. Its on my stomach and back and my sides and some what on my legs.
Itchy postpartum rash, anyone? - Maternal & Child - MedHelp.