browser history javascript iframe

browser history javascript iframe
Prevent child navigation from affecting parent's history [#477194.Hack 37. Control Browser History with iframes - Fantabooks.
Hack 37. Control Browser History with iframes - Compago.
My website consists of one iframe and several flash files linking to each other. I have a problem with the browser history controls. Is there a way I can target my. <a href="javascript:history.back(1)">Back</a>. EDIT: remove the.
<iframe id="myframe" src="demo_iframe.htm"> <p>Your browser does not support iframes.</p> </iframe> <br><br> <input type="button" onclick=" changeStyle()".
javascript - iframe contents stuck if browser goes to new URL and.
Iframe browser problems - Hot Scripts Forums.
javascript - iframe without an src attribute - Stack Overflow.
There are also some known cross browser issues with history on. questions tagged javascript internet-explorer iframe browser-history hta or.
Component: Javascript. Category: task. Priority: normal. I don't remember seeing iframe pages in my browser history, though. Is that new?
Visit Dev Shed to discuss block iframe from browser history problem.. of doing it with javascript. but my javascript is a little rusty at the moment.
JavaScript - Best Solution For Browser Back Button On A Page Using Iframe Content? Iframes And Parent Url Updation With Back Button History. Lightbox +.
iframe - JavaScript: history.back() in two frames on the same web.
browser history javascript iframe
javascript - IFRAME and back / forward button - Stack Overflow.browser history - Create a go back button for an iframe from its owner document. iframe browser-. Related Question. javascript - Back Button with iFrames.
Learn the black art of iframes and browser history.. Code can also create iframes dynamically, through the DOM and JavaScript, after the page is finished.
browser history - Create a go back button for an iframe from its.
I want the browser-history ignore iFrames- JavaScript Development. Visit Dev Shed to discuss I want the browser-history ignore iFrames.