long term effects of weed on lungs

Long Term Effects of Marijuana? - Yahoo! Answers.
Nov 12, 2012. have the choice to use a substance whose long-term health effects are. Evidence of an increased risk of lung cancer has been inconsistent.
Apr 3, 1997. Study of Effects of Long-Term Marijuana Use on Lung Function.. Heavy Long- Term Marijuana Use Does Not Impair Lung Function, Says New.
long term effects of weed on lungs
Erowid Cannabis Vault : Health Effects : Media.What are the long-term effects of Marijuana use? | Student Affairs.
The Benefits Of Marijuana - AskMen.
Jan 12, 2012. The long-term study involved 5,115 young people who, in addition to. long-time heavy pot users do not increase their risk of lung cancer.
When someone smokes marijuana, THC is absorbed by the lungs and into the. Marijuana- Long-Term Effects: According to NIDA (National Institute on Drug.
"Evidence regarding the potential long-term pulmonary consequences of regular . a day may have a proportionately less harmful long-term effect on the lungs.
Some immediate physical effects of marijuana include:. with lung tissues for long periods of time, which irritates the lungs and damages. "Burnout" is a term first used by marijuana smokers themselves to describe the effect of prolonged use.
Study: Weed's effect on lungs examined | Pipe Dream.
long term effects of weed on lungs
Just Think Twice - Facts & Fiction - Fiction: Marijuana Is Harmless.UAB - Marijuana smoke not as damaging to lungs as cigarette smoke.
Smoked marijuana as a cause of lung injury.
Nov 12, 2012. have the choice to use a substance whose long-term health effects are. Evidence of an increased risk of lung cancer has been inconsistent.
Apr 3, 1997. Study of Effects of Long-Term Marijuana Use on Lung Function.. Heavy Long- Term Marijuana Use Does Not Impair Lung Function, Says New.
Whereas THC causes modest short-term bronchodilation, regular marijuana smoking produces a number of long-term pulmonary consequences, including.